FOR AGAINST 1 Students look neat and tidy 1 Uniforms are expensive 2 The public knows which school you are from 2 Children grow fast, need new uniforms 3 Parents all pay the same money 3。

1 In China, people are required to retire at a fixed age, men at 60 and women at 55 People used to accept it without any doubts, but now with diversification of employment and the longer life exp。

题目是“ShouldVegetarianismBeAdvocatedinChina”字数在500左右议论文哦=3=请原创!非常急今天一定要赶出来的说嚎泣!吾只有那么点分数全部拿出来都觉得不好意思望大人们不嫌弃 题目是“Should Vegetarianism Be Advocated in China。

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有很多的同学在写英语 作文 的时候,也会写一些经典的议论文,我整理了相关范文,希望会对大家有所帮助英语作文范文带中文翻译 Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can。

First of all, people are a social animal As a person, you must be in some kind of social relationship, the point is to put it simply, to communicate with others An isolated person can not be。

1my favourite star介绍一位你喜欢的明星成龙贝克汉姆布兰妮2my partner介绍你的搭档一般是好朋友3our school描述你的学校用写信方式4my family谈谈你的家庭有多少人,几个兄弟姐妹,他们的。

议论文 1Life today is much better than 50 years ago,do you agree?如今的生活要比50年前的好,你认同吗2No place like home,do you agree没有地方和家能比,你认同吗3The pros and cons。


Do you agree or disagree?说明这要你写一个argument所以题目当然最好就是用自己的topic sentence 拉意思就是题目就列出论点如果要加比喻甚麼的,供你一个参考,可以写比如是否应该让树苗自己成长Should we let。

在学习工作生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文说明文应用文议论文相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我帮大家整理的话题英语作文10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家 话题英语作文。

什么主题都可以吗这里给你几篇作为参考吧,希望可以对你有所帮助 1城市生活与市郊生活 It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and。

话题英语作文 篇3 英语六级作文题目 1在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重 2城市交通问题的表现以及对人们生活的影响 3解决的方法与措施 题材连接 城市交通问题属于比较热点的社会话题,对于六级考试的作文题材来说,越来越偏重。

Why Do We Study EnglishNow the country with the world, how can not learn English in other countries to exchange it? Now the world#39s powerful countries, such as the United States It is English, but。

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2利弊型的议论文 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that___作文题目___ In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题___ Generally speaking, it is widely believed th。


8 题目我们都会遇到考得不好的时候,有的父母会进行分析和帮助,有的则会生气和训斥我想应当跟孩子共同分析事物的原因,提出良好建议假设如果你是父母,孩子没有考好,给他提出一些有小的建议吧。

希望你能满意Why Do We Need Friend?Friends with a never die topic Why do humans have a friend?First of all, people are a social animal As a person, you must be in some kind of social relationship。
